5 Mental Health Activities for High School Students

St. Agnes Academy
High school students face unprecedented mental and physical challenges. Learn about these mental health activities for high school students to help them with their overall mental health.
Mental health has become a very powerful and popular topic lately, especially in regard to adolescents and teenagers. New technology, social media, increased political and economic awareness and tensions, increase in academic rigor and college admission standards all play a factor in the uptick of stress, anxiety, and depression in high school students.

Studies have shown that teens are facing a mental health crisis, and now more than ever, it is essential for students to have a supportive environment where they can address their mental health issues openly and learn valuable coping skills.

In this blog, we will explore a range of creative and engaging mental health activities for high school students. Each activity is designed to promote overall mental well-being and self-care, reduce stress and anxiety, and build a safe space for students to express themselves.

The Importance of Physical Activity for Mind and Body

Physical activity has been proven to have positive effects on mental health. Joining a sports team, taking dance or yoga classes, or even going for a walk can help improve your mental state and overcome poor mental health. Just ten minutes of physical activity a day can help to reduce stress and anxiety and boost mood.

1. Art Therapy and Creative Expression

Art therapy can be a powerful tool for students to express their emotions and thoughts in a non-verbal way. Take art in school, sign up for an art class at a local studio, or just paint, draw, or craft at home. Using your creativity can help reduce negative thoughts and alleviate stress by transferring emotions to your canvas or paper.

The St. Agnes Academy Wellness Counselors host a self-care fair every year where they can visit various booths containing self-care activities, mindfulness techniques, and calming strategies, like painting, breathing exercises, bracelet making, trading positive affirmation cards with peers, and more.

2. Supportive Peer Groups

It is important to surround yourself with friends who you can share your mental health struggles without judgment and make you feel supported. Make time to be with people who encourage you, make you smile, and can relate to your experiences.

Sometimes just talking about your feelings out loud to someone else can lower anxiety and stress. At St. Agnes Academy, our Wellness Counselors facilitate small group meetings to help students feel supported and empowered to help one another.

3. Mindfulness and Meditation

Mindfulness techniques and meditation practices to promote self-awareness and reduce stress are included in the programming at St. Agnes Academy’s Self-Care Fair as well as promoted throughout the school year.

Students should be encouraged to participate in regular mindfulness exercises, deep breathing, or guided meditation sessions during school hours. These practices can help students stay focused, grounded, and better equipped to manage difficult emotions.

Our Wellness Counselors also encourage open conversations about stress and pressure; they promote a supportive school culture that emphasizes the importance of self-care and mental health. Mindfulness techniques, like self-care check-ins, can help during stressful academic periods. But having a supportive school culture is key.

4. Engage in Service Activities

At St. Agnes, we encourage students to participate in service activities that benefit others. We give our students the opportunity to get involved with local organizations and charities within their community. Acts of kindness and giving back to the community can be deeply fulfilling and contribute to a sense of purpose, which positively impacts mental health.

5. Guest Speakers and Workshops

Our Wellness Counselors invite mental health professionals, psychologists, or individuals with personal experiences to speak to students and parents or conduct workshops on mental health. These insights can help students and their parents understand the complexities of mental health issues and learn how to support themselves, their peers, and their family.

Some examples of the workshop or speaker series topics offered to our students and parents have covered study skills, stress management, communication skills, and problem-solving techniques.

These offerings can help facilitate conversations, foster collaboration, and help build the necessary skills to overcome challenges related to a student’s overall well-being.

Take Advantage of Mental Health Activities for High School Students

It is crucial for high school students to feel supported in their mental health and overall well-being at school to achieve academic success. All high schools should try incorporating various mental health activities into the school environment to create a safe and supportive space for students to address their mental health struggles, reduce stress and anxiety, and develop essential coping skills.

Teenagers have so much on their plates these days, endless distractions, and fewer in-person connections than ever before. Fostering mental health awareness and promoting self-care among young people not only helps them thrive in school but also equips them to lead fulfilling and resilient lives.

If you are looking for a supportive high school environment that prioritizes students’ mental health, take a look at St. Agnes Academy. Our team is knowledgeable about mental health activities for high school students to support them throughout their educational journey!