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The Academy Fund


What is the Academy Fund?

The Academy Fund is the most important source of unrestricted support for St. Agnes. It is because of gifts to the Academy Fund that we are able to bridge the gap between tuition and the cost of operating the Academy. From tuition assistance to cutting-edge technology in the classroom, from maintaining our excellent faculty to putting on a theatrical performance, the Academy Fund provides for an educational atmosphere that is exceptional- academically, athletically and spiritually. The Academy Fund is the heart and soul of St. Agnes and essential to keeping this school great.

List of 5 items.

  • Why Should I Give?

    Every dollar you contribute to the Academy Fund benefits each young woman attending St. Agnes. By choosing to give, you are helping keep tuition low so that more families can send their daughters to a Dominican school. Corporations and foundations look to the total percentage of donor participation before choosing who they will support. Your gift is tax-deductible. Please consider a leadership gift of $2,500 or above, and join members of our community at the annual Guardian of Youth reception in the Fall of 2023. 
  • My daughter has graduated from St. Agnes. Why should I continue to give to the Academy Fund?

    We are so grateful for gifts from alumnae parents. St. Agnes is lucky to have such forward-thinking parents who are invested in our mission even after their daughter(s) has graduated. Our alumnae move on to bigger things, but we hope their parents see the value of the St. Agnes education and continue to give back. Many of our alumnae continue on at the university level with significant scholarships due to the education here. Your tax deductible gift helps give students of today the same opportunities afforded to our alumnae.
  • Why is the Academy Fund Necessary?

    The St. Agnes Academy Fund is essential to this school. Tuition does not cover the cost of educating a student at St. Agnes. We depend on the legacy of philanthropy in our community to bridge this difference and help keep St. Agnes great. The most significant contribution any of us can make to St. Agnes is through the Academy Fund.
  • Does your company match gifts?

  • What are the giving levels?


    The Veritas Society is a group of Academy Fund benefactors who help bridge our per student tuition gap by giving $1,800 or more before June 30. Gifts at this level are crucial to the success of St. Agnes — for what happens in our classrooms and beyond.

    $20,000+ St. Dominic ***
    $10,000 - $19,999 Head of School ***
    $5,000 - $9,999 Dominican Sisters Legacy *** 
    $2,500 - $4,999 St. Catherine of Siena **
    $1,800 - $2,499 Veritas *

    $1,000 - $1,799 Faculty Club
    $500 - $999 Fannin Street
    $300 - $499 St. Agnes
    Up to $299 Tiger Club

    *** Invited to Academy Circle Wine Reception & Guardian of Youth Reception
    **   Invited to Guardian of Youth Reception
    *     Receive Veritas Society Car Decal
           All gifts are acknowledged in our annual report.

For More Information

For more information on the Academy Fund, or to make a gift over the phone, please call Reema Kasavich at 713-219-5404