Advent Activities for Catholic Schools

St. Agnes Academy
Take a look at our favorite advent activities for Catholic schools like St. Agnes Academy. Learn how you can grow your faith during this wonderful Christmas season.
As the halls of St. Agnes Academy echo with the excitement of the holiday season, it's the perfect time to embark on a journey of spiritual growth and community engagement.

Advent, the season of anticipation and preparation for the birth of baby Jesus, provides a unique opportunity for our Academy women to deepen their faith and create lasting memories.

There are many wonderful advent activities for Catholic schools that mark the season. Learn more about how you can grow your faith during this wonderful time of the year.

Advent Activities for Catholic Schools Like St. Agnes

Based on some of the activities we participate in at St. Agnes, here are some meaningful and engaging Advent activities that you could take part in, too.

1. Advent Wreath Lighting Ceremony

Kick off the season with a special Advent wreath lighting ceremony. Gather friends in a designated area, and each week leading up to Christmas, invite more friends or groups to light a candle on the Advent wreath.
You can incorporate prayers and reflections to make each ceremony a moment of spiritual significance. Or, get creative by organizing Advent wreath crafts so fellow students can take home a special memento to complement their Advent calendar at home.

2. Service Saturday

Dedicate a Saturday during Advent to community service. Collaborate with local charities or organize a school-wide service day where students can volunteer at food banks, shelters, or nursing homes. Encourage them to reflect on the joy of giving back during this season of hope.

3. Advent Prayer Partners

Foster a sense of community by pairing with friends as prayer partners during Advent. Encourage them to pray for each other, exchange notes of encouragement, and share their reflections on the season. This initiative helps strengthen the bonds of friendship and spiritual support within your school.

4. Advent Reflection Journals

Start an Advent reflection journal to capture your thoughts, prayers, and personal insights throughout the season. Include weekly prompts based on the themes of hope, peace, joy, and love. Reflect on how these themes manifest in your daily life.

5. Live Nativity Scene

Bring the Advent and Christmas story to life by organizing a live Nativity scene on campus with friends. Involve drama or theology classes in the reenactment of the Nativity story, and encourage other students to participate as well. This interactive experience allows the entire school community to witness and celebrate the true meaning of Christmas.

6. Advent Caroling and Prayer Walk

Organize an Advent caroling event where you and your friends visit different classrooms, offices, or community spaces to share the joy of the season through Christmas carols. Conclude the caroling with a prayer walk around the school, stopping at various prayer stations that focus on different aspects of the Advent season.

7. Advent Retreat Day

Host a day-long Advent retreat on or off campus. Invite a speaker or clergy member to guide you and your peers in reflections, discussions, and prayer exercises centered around the themes of Advent. This retreat offers a meaningful break from the academic routine, allowing students to focus on their spiritual journey.

Discover Your Own Advent Activities

As our school community embraces the season of Advent, these activities serve as a beacon, guiding students toward a deeper connection with their faith and each other.

By fostering a spirit of reflection, service, and joy, we create an environment where the true meaning of Christmas shines brightly in the hearts of our students.

May this Advent season be a time of growth, love, and anticipation as we prepare to welcome the Christ Child into our lives and communities.

During your time at St. Agnes, you may unlock additional Advent activities for Catholic schools you would like to participate in. Feel free to share those ideas with classmates! Or, gather more ideas from our Campus Ministry department to help you lean into your faith during the Christmas season.