How to Prepare Your Child for College Success

St. Agnes Academy
It can be hard to know how to prepare your child for college. That’s why we offer a wide range of counseling and support services. Learn about our methods to set up your child for success.
The average college acceptance rate in the United States is currently estimated to be only 68%. The college admissions process has become more competitive over the last decade, so today’s high schoolers must ensure they meet their target schools' acceptance requirements and stand out from those institutions’ applicant pools.

At St. Agnes Academy, we believe that college preparedness begins in high school, if not sooner. As a result, we structure our academic and extracurricular offerings to provide the highest possible levels of support for young adults seeking post-secondary education.

Learn more about how to prepare your child for college with the support of our team.

Where Should You Focus on Preparing for College?

Consider three key areas parents and students can focus on while preparing for success in the college admissions process and beyond.

1. How to Prepare Your Student for College Academically

Regardless of their intended college major, it is important for your child to hone their academic prowess during their high school years as part of the college preparation process.

One of the best ways to support your student’s academic success is to enroll them in a high school like St. Agnes that offers a rigorous and individualized curriculum for students of all backgrounds.

Catholic schools like St. Agnes Academy have a well-documented track record of fostering higher levels of academic success among their student bodies. In fact, research indicates that 99% of Catholic high school students graduate on time and 86% attend college.

Catholic schools help students prepare for college by teaching them critical life skills like time management, good study habits, public speaking, and more. 

At St. Agnes, we understand the ins and outs of helping students qualify academically for college programs. That’s why they offer robust support services aimed at helping prepare your child for standardized tests and other common admissions components that colleges require. 

Our student support staff works in conjunction with our academic faculty to provide students with the tools they need to become sufficiently well-rounded academically to stand out from the crowd during the admissions process. 

2. Prepare for College Financially

During the college admissions process, students and their families should carefully consider the financial implications of their decisions rather than focusing solely on the pedigree or campus culture of the colleges they are considering.

College costs have steadily increased over the last several years, leading more and more students to take out burdensome student loans to finance their education.

If your family is concerned about the cost of college, you will want to encourage your child to take steps during their high school years to help offset costs. For example, students can apply for scholarships and financial aid from local and national organizations. These scholarships may be made available based on a wide range of criteria and qualifications, such as: 

  • Academic Achievement: Some national scholarship organizations, like the National Merit Scholarship program, offer student aid to high-performing students or those who meet certain testing requirements. 
  • Personal Characteristics: Many third-party scholarship programs cater to students with specific backgrounds, abilities, and physical traits. 
  • Financial Need: Some organizations specifically offer financial assistance to students and families that demonstrate substantial financial need. 

Do you need specific support for your daughter? The college counseling department at St. Agnes Academy has a collective 80 years in higher education academic advising, college admissions, and college admissions counseling. They are prepared to help each student and family devise the college plan that makes the most sense for them.

Our student support center can provide families the resources they need to stay on top of important dates like student aid FAFSA (Federal Student Aid) filing deadlines and free application windows. 

Overall, be sure to talk to your child about your family’s financial situation before starting the college admissions process so you can collectively determine which aid options to pursue.

3. Harness Extracurriculars for College Success

In today’s competitive college culture, many institutions are looking for students who demonstrate well-rounded skill sets, not just high levels of academic achievement. One of the best ways to help your student develop a more robust resume is to encourage them to participate in extracurricular activities. 

At St. Agnes, your child has access to programming in various areas ranging from fine arts and music to coding and computer science. Engaging in activities that match your student’s strengths can help them build confidence and learn additional life skills.

Many extracurricular activities – like athletic sports teams – teach students how to communicate, cooperate, and collaborate. These skills will serve your child well in their college life and beyond, which is why college admissions teams often look for these extracurricular activities in a student’s portfolio.

Find Support with How to Prepare Your Child for College at St. Agnes

St. Agnes Academy is proud to provide students with a wide variety of resources and support services to help them seamlessly transition from high school to college.

We offer dedicated college counseling services as well as a top-tier academic environment and extracurricular offerings so students can meet their personal, academic, and professional goals.

To learn more about our college prep services, contact a member of our student support team today. We would be glad to discuss further how to prepare your child for college student life.